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Social Geography

Social Geography

Social geography focuses on the relationship between social life and geographical patterns of change at various scales. At McMaster we are interested in both rural and urban settlements, present and past, and continue to do research in North America and the developing world. We are using a variety of theoretical perspectives including feminism, political economy, and postcolonialism, and diverse methodological tools, in order to understand topics that include disability, urban quality of life, health and health care, formal and informal caregiving, gender and legal issues, housing, suburban development, and colonial urbanism. Social geographers with graduate degrees from McMaster obtain jobs in a range of fields including housing, public health, planning, and education. Many have gone on to academic careers in leading departments of Geography in Canada and around the world.

Information Box Group

A portrait of Vera Chouinard (On Leave)

Vera Chouinard

Professor Emeritus

Richard Harris

Professor Emeritus

A portrait of Michael Mercier

Michael Mercier

Associate Professor
Associate Director, Undergraduate Studies (SEES)

Allison Williams

CIHR Research Chair in Gender, Work and Health

A portrait of Robert Wilton

Robert Wilton

Professor (on Research Leave)