The School of Earth, Environment & Society is an internationally recognized centre for research, education and training.
Our facilities include analytic and experimental laboratories for:
- Hydrology
- Geochemistry
- Rock and mineral analysis
- Geographic Information Systems
The School of Earth, Environment & Society is well equipped with analytical facilities including mass spectrometers, atomic absorption, spectrophotometers, and gamma ray spectrometers. Transmission and scanning electron microscopes with elemental analysis facilities are available and commonly used.
There are special laboratories for the study of hydrology, aqueous and rock geochemistry, experimental sedimentology, x-ray diffraction, rock/mineral analysis, radiochemistry and paleontology.
The School maintains a suite of geophysical equipment for the acquisition of magnetic, gravity and IP/Resistivity data. In addition, we have facilities for the imaging of geophysical and remote sensing information and interpretive modeling of potential field data.
The Geographic Information Systems laboratories consist of two computer labs, many GPS units, including units capable of submeter accuracy, MobileMapper units and an HP DesignJet plotter.
The School also hosts the virtual tour of the rock lab featuring fossil, rock and mineral samples from our teaching labs and donated collections.
The 3D GeoCAVE (Centre for Advanced Virtual Exploration), with state-of-the-art 3D projection facilities, is used for many undergraduate courses.